Last update: August 2005.
Links to Internet control systems resources : WWW, E-Mail discussion lists, FTP, BBSs, etc. |
Javascript for the world-wide web and Web design Website |
Links to various control system interest groups and job and resume bulletin boards |
Links to virtual libraries and conference/workshop calendars |
Websites of Control Journals |
Companies and Utilities |
Professional society Web Page Links
American Society for Engineering Education ASEE
Association for Computing Machinery ACM
European Federation of National Engineering Associations FEANI
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. IEEE
Institution of Electrical Engineers IEE
International Association of Science and Technology for Development IASTED
IEEE Services help page the "F1" file
IEEE Region Home pages the index
IEEE Society Home pages the index
IEEE’s Spectrum on-line for members only
IEEE’s The Institute on-line for any web surfer
IEEE’s Electronic Communications Services helpful information,
IEEE Logos the official way to get great IEEE graphic files
IEEE Templates IEEE provides HTML files to help you create your own pages
IEEE Delhi Section –my
previous section
IEEE North Queensland
Section- my previous setion
IEEE Gujarat Section- my present section
IEEE’s on-line Membership Application - IEEE Internet service
Companies and Utilities
Decision Systems International provides services to the electric utility industries in the areas of SCADA/EMS, Network analysis, system optimization, market design under restructuring, and risk management
to MY Document\Control Engineering\Links.doc - _top#_top
University Electrical Engineering Programs
Electrical Engineering Departments Worldwide List (at Univ. Missouri-Rolla)
The Companion Website
(CW) for the textbook Modern Control Systems, 9/e
by Richard Dorf and Robert Bishop. The CW resources for both students and
instructors include:
- Matching:
Intended to help students master new terminology introduced in the book
- True/False:
Intended to ask students to think conceptually about the material presented
- Multiple/Choice:
Intended to provide students with extra practice on a wide array of problems.
Graham C.
Stefan F.
Mario E.
Available from Prentice Hall
In the web page for the above new book in control theory, you will find:
NEW - Power Point Lecture Slides now available for ALL chapters.
See the Slides page.
Try some of these example problems.
On-line versions of student labs used at The University of Newcastle. Check this website for details.
Additional resources of interest to managers and others requiring an awareness of control as well as control student and practioners..
A wide range of case studies, spanning a number of industrial processes, have been drawn from the personal experiences of the authors. All examples are tightly integrated with the text and have been carefully chosen to illustrate many key issues including nonlinearities, multivariable interaction, non-ideal sensor and actuators etc.
Interactive Case Studies |
Non-interactive Case Studies
Other |
Control Theory
Science > Math > Applications > Control
Discrete Event Systems
-- | -links to Journal Articles-full-text scientific database
IEEE EXPLORE- A powerful single platform to browse, search , and view the full text of IEEE/PES publications and SPECTRUM articles, starting from 1988, with daily updates of contents of all IEEE publications
Links to Careers in
Internet site that enables adolescents to investigate a host of engineering achievements and encourages them to look seriously at Engineering. - the
IEEE Student Career Website. In addition to this web site, IEEE produces videos and CD-ROMS for
purchase. Quantity discounts are available for schools and companies that wish to make
CD-ROMS available to students. Aside from choosing a career path or
pursuing specific issues of concern for modern engineers, the site includes the
specifics about what modern engineering is and how it came to be such an
important career choice.
Javascript for the world-wide web- Information If you really want to be a good Web designer, learn a little bit about design first. It wouldn't be called Web design if it didn't have anything to do with look, feel, form and function - it would just be called<> will tell you the ins and outs of design and will show you great design tips.
Author |
Title |
Publisher |
Benjamin C. Kuo |
Automatic Control Systems |
Prentice- Hall of India,, |
Francis H. Raven |
control Engineering |
McGraw- Hill, Fourth Edition, 1987 |
G. J. Murphy |
Control Engineering |
Van Nostrand, 1959 |
George J. Thaler |
Automatic Control Systems |
Jaico Publishing House , |
Katsihiko Ogata |
Modern Control Engineering |
Prentice- Hall of India,, |
Naresh K. Sinha |
Control Systems |
HRW International Editions-CBS Publishing Japan Ltd,
1986 |
Richard C. Dorf |
Modern Control Systems |
Addison –Wesley, Fourth Edition, 1986 |
Richard C. Dorf |
Time Domain Analysis and Design of Control Systems |
Addison –Wesley, 1965 |
Specialised Control System Test & measurement
Test And Measurement |
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